Radio History Resources
Getting Involved Is Easy
Talk to any PARS member! You can attend any PARS meeting as a member’s guest at no charge. The club members are open-minded and easy to talk with. Tell us what your interests are and we will get you quickly hooked up with like-minded members. Then fill out a membership application and plan the events and meetings that you do not want to miss. No meeting coming soon? E-mail the PARS President or officers whose info is located under the OUR CLUB blog post category. Any club officer can get you started fast.
“I want to volunteer, but I am not sure what I could help with.” If this is your thinking about volunteering for PARS, then please contact your Officers or Board members to let them know that you’d like to give it a try. We have many options–and we are open to your ideas if you want to work on something specific. Please email us!
Partner With Us
If you are involved in antique radio and antique electronics history in any way, then we would like to find ways to work with you to our mutual benefit. Please email the PARS President whose info can be found in the OUR CLUB category of blog posts. We love to work with other clubs, ham clubs, radio/electronics businesses, museums, preservationists and history groups with a radio interest. Please contact us!
Donate Books & Materials
We accept donations of books, parts, radios, tools and so forth under a variety of circumstances. The best situation is when you can deliver the donation to us. We can pick up donations with prior planning. We can evaluate your donation and respond to your request in as little as 48 hours. E-mail the PARS President or officers whose info is located under the OUR CLUB blog post category.
We are working daily to add to the resources available to PARS members and all radio historians. During 2020 we expect to have most of PARS published newsletters and other publications online for your use.

Reserve A Flea Market Table

Bring Your Unworking Radio To Our Clinic!

Find Someone To Restore Your Radio

Find Radio History Materials
PARS Meetings
Most meetings are held at the Brentwood Presbyterian Church basement hall located at 3725 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh 15227. Check the NEWS & EVENTS page on this site for the current meeting schedule.
PARS Special Events
Two of our annual events do not happen at the Church. The Tri-State Radio Fest, PARS' biggest event of the year, is held each April at the Center Stage Banquest Hall at 1495 Old Brodhead Rd, Monaca, Pennsylvania 15061. The PARS Annual Radio Picnic is held each July in North Park, generally at the Roosevelt Pavilion if we can get it. These two events plus our annual holiday luncheon at the church are PARS' best-attended events of the year. Please see the NEWS & EVENTS page for this year's specific details.
PARS Officers & Board Members
Bob Knowlton, President - [email protected]
Vice-President (OPEN)
Jeff Pleva, Treasurer - [email protected]
Chris Wells, Secretary - [email protected]
Andy Manko, Board - [email protected]
Ed Kaczkowski, Board - [email protected]
John Busalaachi, Board - [email protected]
Joe Patrick W3KWZ, Editor of The Pittsburgh Oscillator (PARS Quarterly Newsletter) - [email protected]
Rex Kraeuter, Club Historian & Publications Manager- [email protected]
James Stevens, Webmaster - [email protected]

PARS Volunteers
As with most hobby clubs, PARS is entirely staffed by volunteer Officers, Comittee Chairmen and Board Members. New volunteers for these positions are always welcome. To contact any of the current slate of officers and Board members, please see the ABOUT PARS page elsewhere on this web site.
NOTICE: This web page and this entire web site including all photographs, text and content is copyright 2019-2024 by The Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Nothing on this web site or in our newsletter The Pittsburgh Oscillator may be republished in any form without the express written consent of a PARS Officer or Board member. Permission must be sought and granted in advance of publication and proper attribution to PARS must appear on the same page, on the same screen or video segment in such a way that it occupies the same space as the republished PARS information. See the ABOUT PARS page for PARS contact information.