May, 1986 – Volume 1, No. 1

Our Publications, 1 through 25

3. A New Fessenden Bibliography
3rd edition, 2014
Provides lists of . . .
Articles by Fessenden
Articles about Fessenden
Other biographical sources
Fessenden in The New York Times
Fessenden in the London Times
Books by and about Fessenden
This bibliography expands and updates the one which appeared in Helen Fessenden’s book,
Fessenden: Builder of Tomorrows.
Paperback, 24 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, $10.83.
Download, $6.25.

1. A Bibliography of Frank Conrad
David W. Kraeuter
3rd edition, 2014

- Westinghouse employee Frank Conrad was making radio broadcasts from his home in Wilkinsburg, Pa. in 1919 and earlier. His work led to the founding of radio station KDKA in 1920.
- This comprehensive bibliography lists his 177 U.S. patents. Some English and German patents are listed. An attempt was also made to list all publications by and about Conrad through the late 20th century.
Paperback, 31 pages, 8 ½ x11, $10.81.
Download, $6.25.

2. The U.S. Patents of Reginald A. Fessenden
2nd edition, 2007
- From 1893 to 1900 Fessenden was the first chairman of the newly-created department of electrical engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He went on to invent the heterodyne method of radio transmission. Among his many other inventions is the fathometer, used on ships to determine water depth.
- Here we list his 230 U.S. patents, first in chronological order, then in alphabetical order.
Paperback, 18 pages, 8 ½ x 11, $10.48.
Download, $1.52.