Pittsburgh Area Ham Clubs

Pittsburgh Area Ham Clubs

...And We had A LOT Of Them!

I’ve been using quarantine time to (among other stuff) go through my old stuff so that whatever wisdom there may be in history can be recovered from what I have. I was late to the local ham community party. But I quickly discovered that there were MANY active ham clubs in the region. A request to ARRL would product a lengthy computer printout so you could contact them to see if there was a place for you in their club.  Over time I collected all sorts of local club “souvenirs” that would be hard to come by today. This article presents a sampling. 

Top to bottom, left to right: Jacket patches for North Hills ARC and the South Hills Brass Pounders and Modulators; a sticker from the 1977 Dayton Hamvention; A program from the 1935 ARRL Southwest Convention; A program from the 1981 Warren Hamfest (40 years ago!!–hard to believe); The Monitor reporting on a 1932 experimental TV station; 3 issues of The Radial (newsletter of the Brasspounders); yours truly in his shack about 1995; two issues of the Triple States Newsletter–a Wheeling Amateur group; SPARKS magnet (this pre-dates me–I am not familiar with SPARKS–can anyone enlighten me in the connent section below?); An ARRL Window decal; Newsletter of the Western PA DX Associations; and finally an old newsletter from the Steel City club.

Rather than simply look back at the past, let me conclude by saying that our region is still rich in quality ham clubs full of quality people. If you’re interested, you should look up North Hills ARC, WASH or Skyview or WACOM. These are all strong clubs with active event schedules. Don’t pass up the chance to be part of any of these great groups.

Glad Tydings

Glad Tydings

1940 (Before My Time)

Prior to the war, “radio” stores sold mostly parts. The “Radio monopoly” led by RCA was trying to use their patents as bludgeons to make you buy RCA and the others. It wasn’t working. But still, this 1940 Tydings catalog pictured features mostly parts with a good selection of ham radios and public address systems! Good reading but poor photo reproduction. Some auto radios and LOTS of test gear. 

Tydings 1954 Catalog

This shows a Baum Boulevard address–I don’t remember that. All the other Tydings catalogs I have before and after this one show a Liberty Avenue address. Tubes and antennas were big business. And the reel to reel tape recorder was making it’s appearance.

Tydings 1961

Better printing but less content. Kit test gear from Eico, Paco, Heathkit and probably others. Lots of ham gear including Drake and E.F. Johnson. A ton of home hi-fi–some of it is even STEREOPHONIC! Whoa!

1963 Tydings Radio Catalog

The last one in my small collection. Shiny covers hiding a thin content selection. Begemphasis on mobile gear on any band. TV is rearing it’s ugly face. But hey!–check out those great CB radios good buddy! And you could have bought an Eico RP100 reel to reel tape deck! (But I’m gussing you didn’t!). Ah yes….TYDINGS. Now don;t get me started on Cameradio!