PARS Annual Picnic July 19th in North Park

PARS Annual Picnic July 19th in North Park

PARS Summer Picnic – Sunday July 19th 2020

07/19/2020 11:00

Summer Picnic Sunday July 19th 11:00 AM till eve
CONTEST: Microphones

MAKE NOTE: The Picnic is on SUNDAY.

The picnic will be held at the North Park Roosevelt Pavilion which is the same as last year. Drinks, hot dogs and hamburgers, buns and condiments will be provided. It is asked that attendees bring a dessert or a dish to share, plus a folding chair in case more seating is useful. There is good parking adjacent to Roosevelt pavilion and it is an easy roll-up for anyone in a wheel chair. So please park in the parking lot next to the Roosevelt.

The contest will be Microphones. We all know that you collect them — so bring one in!

As in the past, family and friends are welcome and encouraged to come and enjoy the picnic. We have had 40+ attendees each year for the past several years and we expect the event to grow in 2020. The park has a great lake, pool, play grounds, and many hiking and biking trails. So if you want to make a day of it, there is LOTS to do! A good time is had by all who attend. Please mark your calendar.

From I79 you can cut to the east on 910 to south on Pearce Mill Rd.
From route 19 you can go east on Ingomoar rd to the park
Follow signs to Pavilion which is north west of North park lake
School house pavilion is on Walter Rd near a bend in the road, an old St Pauls Church and the Roosevelt Pavilion (Grove).

Hamstrung Dial Stringing

Hamstrung Dial Stringing

Hallicrafters S-38 Dial String

I need your help. What you’re looking at here is the Hallicrafters S-38B dial string mechanism. The “wheel” closest to you in the image is for the main dial. The one in the background is a similar mechanism for the bandspread dial. Both dial cords are broken (thanks Ron!). The string in each case has a simple path around the “wheel”, around a knob shaft, and back to a spring which pokes through a hole in the wheel. You can see the springs in the pix. To be clear, on both the main dial and the bandspread dial, there is one string that makes a loop that starts AND ENDS at that spring. I am thinking that the easiest way to re-string these is to loosely lay the string in its correct path and then tie both ends to the spring. Then finally, the other end of the spring is poked through the hole in the wheel which pulls on the spring thereby tensioning the dial string. This won’t be any picnic to do. Is there an easier way?

Hallicrafters S-38B Dial String
Capacitor Tips

Capacitor Tips

Capacitor Tips

The pictures below are from the back of a 1970’s-vintage Calectro electrolytic capacitor package. I think it’s hard to argue with any of this. What do you think?





Two Identical Rolls of Solder?

The pic shows two identical rolls of solder, right? Nope–trick question. There are a number of differences. But the important one (to me) is the ALLOY. Until 2 days ago, I would have said there was no difference in the alloy–60/40 or 63/37–c’mon–they are the same, right? Wrong. As some of you know, I am building a modern 3-rail train layout. I was having a devil of a time soldering leads to the track. It got to the point where I was ready to try anything. I tried a new flux. I tried more power in the iron. I tried several difference surface preps–grinding the track, wire brushing, filing, etc. Nothing worked. In desperation, I was rooting through my soldering stuff and came across this 63/37 alloy solder. In the “try anything” spirit, I applied heat, laid the solder down, removed the iron, blew on the connection to cool it, and…..doggone it if it didn’t make a perfect solder joint. Crazy. But there it is–63/37 worked with ease where 60/40 would not hold despite my best efforts. Comments? Has anyone else seen this?

PARS Membership Application

PARS Membership Application

Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society Membership Application/Renewal

Name ________________________________________________

Street ________________________________________________

City ________________________State ______ Zip____________


Phone: _______________________________________________

Text Message Okay?      Y      N

Ham Radio Callsign (if any): ___________________________

Please check one: Renewal [_] New Membership [_]

May we list this information on our roster Yes [_] No [_]

Signature _____________________ Date ____________

Please mail this form with your check for $25 (Payable to PARS) to:

Jeff Pleva
2150 Swallow Hill Road
Pittsburgh PA 15220-1651