Post-WWII Ham Radio Photos

The US military had taken over most or all of the ham radio band allocations for the duration. The ham radio makers were devoted to making war materiel. In some cases this meant they just added a tag and some hardening to radios they were already makeing for hams. One example is the Hallicrafters HT-4 transmitter which became the basis for the famous SCR-299 and -399 division-level radio command centers. As the boys came home, competition became fierce–and we radio collectors were left with some of the most interesting equipment that a hobbyist could dream of. Here are pictures of radios owned by PARS members with ham gear in their collections.

2020 Fall Auction September 19th

2020 Fall Auction September 19th

PARS Fall Auction Saturday September 26th, 2020 PARS Officer Elections Start: 09/26/2020 09:00 CONTEST: Crystal Radios Held at Brentwood Presbyterian Church, 3725 Brownsville Road, 152279AM  to  4PMWe will have drinks, chips and a Subway lunch available for $6.This...

PARS Annual Picnic July 19th in North Park

PARS Annual Picnic July 19th in North Park

PARS Summer Picnic - Sunday July 19th 2020 Start: 07/19/2020 11:00 Summer Picnic Sunday July 19th 11:00 AM till eve CONTEST: Microphones MAKE NOTE: The Picnic is on SUNDAY. The picnic will be held at the North Park Roosevelt Pavilion which is the same as last year....

Hamstrung Dial Stringing

Hamstrung Dial Stringing

I need your help. What you're looking at here is the Hallicrafters S-38B dial string mechanism. The "wheel" closest to you in the image is for the main dial. The one in the background is a similar mechanism for the bandspread dial. Both dial cords are broken (thanks...

Capacitor Tips

Capacitor Tips

The pictures below are from the back of a 1970's-vintage Calectro electrolytic capacitor package. I think it's hard to argue with any of this. What do you think?    



The pic shows two identical rolls of solder, right? Nope--trick question. There are a number of differences. But the important one (to me) is the ALLOY. Until 2 days ago, I would have said there was no difference in the alloy--60/40 or 63/37--c'mon--they are the same,...

PARS Membership Application

Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society Membership Application/Renewal Name ________________________________________________ Street ________________________________________________ City ________________________State ______ Zip____________...

PARS Constitution

Constitution of the Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Inc. ARTICLE I - NAME The organization shall be known as the Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Inc. (Incorporated). ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The Society is incorporated as a non-profit corporation. The Society is...

Welcome to PARS!

Welcome to PARS!

The Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society (PARS) was established in southwestern Pennsylvania in 1986 by Richard Brewster, John Haught and others.[1] Its purpose is "the preservation and exhibition...