PARS Member Articles
PARS Member contributions to original radio history and lore are found here. These articles and this entire web site are copyrighted and may not be used without prior permission.
The PARS Pittsburgh Oscillator
For more than 30 years, PARS members have contributed thousands of articles to our club newsletter, The Pittsburgh Oscillator. PDF Scans of complete issues of the Oscillator are found elsewhere on this web site. In this section, you have access to copyrighted articles that have previously appeared in our newsletter.
Copyrighted Work
Like this entire site, the articles you can read here are the copyrighted property of PARS and the named author (if any). We are generally happy to grant you authorization to reproduce the work featured herein but you must request permission and follow our requirements for attribution.
2020 Radio Changed Our World 100 Years Ago!
This year we have a special section of our web site devoted to the early work of Frank Conrad and the founding of the world’s first broadcast station here in Pittsburgh, KDKA.
Radio Free Clinics!
Twice a year in March and October, the club unleashes its’ radio experts on whatever shows up at the door! Bring us your grandfather’s pride and joy and we will try to make it play again–free!

Every dues-paying PARS member can author articles for our blog (and our printed newsletter, The Pittsburgh Oscillator). Articles are displayed in the order they were POSTED on this site, not by the date they appeared (if they did) in the Oscillator.
PARS Book Review: The Idea Factory by Jon Gertner
PARS Book Review: The Idea Factory by Jon Gertner Prior to the breakup of the Bell System by the federal government, Ma Bell created the prototype industrial research organization--Bell Labs. If you grew up in the 60's and 70's, you couldn't miss the work of Bell...
Don Polito Passes
Quartz Radio Crystals, Part II
As the second world war loomed, it was clear to many that science and technology would play key roles. Precise frequency control would become fundamental to what Dr. R. V Jones termed 'The Wizard War." (read the book!--it is not to be mssed!). Other than through...
The Magic Crystal That Saved Radio
A unique quality of quartz made early radio possible!
Radio History Found In Railroad Union Archives
Radio History Found In Railroad Union Archives By Frank J Lotito K3DZ It continues to amaze me where one can find articles related to the history of electronics and radio! I am talking about original publications, not the ramblings of some author (like me) who 50+...
Top Secret! Collecting Military Radios, Part 2
In Part 1 I covered the indexes to military publications that were compiled by Ray Mote. The US military had (and has) a series of complex nomenclature systems that vary from one branch of the service to the next, and within any one service, from one intended usage to...
Top Secret! Collecting Military Radios Pt. 1
The most imortant skill you need to collect military radios is the ability to speak the lingo. "SCR"? "BC"? "TM?" Who or what was "COL"? The military had a huge nomenclature system that need not be mastered. But if you want to find parts for your "ATD" then it might...
Pittsburgh Area Ham Clubs
I've been using quarantine time to (among other stuff) go through my old stuff so that whatever wisdom there may be in history can be recovered from what I have. I was late to the local ham community party. But I quickly discovered that there were MANY active ham...
Get Involved
PARS needs you! Every member must consider how they can make a contribution to the future of PARS. Can you make a presentation at a meeting? Can you help with the auctions? Write an article for the Oscillator? Write a blog post on this web site? Chair a committee to get a specific project done? Or just add your comment to any blog post on this web site so that it become a more interesting discussion. You CAN help. Speak with any club Officer or Board Member to volunteer your support! Do it TODAY!
PARS Meetings
Most meetings are held at the Brentwood Presbyterian Church basement hall located at 3725 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh 15227. Check the NEWS & EVENTS page on this site for the current meeting schedule.
PARS Special Events
Two of our annual events do not happen at the Church. The Tri-State Radio Fest, PARS' biggest event of the year, is held each April at the Center Stage Banquest Hall at 1495 Old Brodhead Rd, Monaca, Pennsylvania 15061. The PARS Annual Radio Picnic is held each July in North Park, generally at the Roosevelt Pavilion if we can get it. These two events plus our annual holiday luncheon at the church are PARS' best-attended events of the year. Please see the NEWS & EVENTS page for this year's specific details.
PARS Officers & Board Members
Bob Knowlton, President - [email protected]
Vice-President (OPEN)
Jeff Pleva, Treasurer - [email protected]
Chris Wells, Secretary - [email protected]
Andy Manko, Board - [email protected]
Ed Kaczkowski, Board - [email protected]
John Busalaachi, Board - [email protected]
Joe Patrick W3KWZ, Editor of The Pittsburgh Oscillator (PARS Quarterly Newsletter) - [email protected]
Rex Kraeuter, Club Historian & Publications Manager- [email protected]
James Stevens, Webmaster - [email protected]

PARS Volunteers
As with most hobby clubs, PARS is entirely staffed by volunteer Officers, Comittee Chairmen and Board Members. New volunteers for these positions are always welcome. To contact any of the current slate of officers and Board members, please see the ABOUT PARS page elsewhere on this web site.
NOTICE: This web page and this entire web site including all photographs, text and content is copyright 2019-2024 by The Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Nothing on this web site or in our newsletter The Pittsburgh Oscillator may be republished in any form without the express written consent of a PARS Officer or Board member. Permission must be sought and granted in advance of publication and proper attribution to PARS must appear on the same page, on the same screen or video segment in such a way that it occupies the same space as the republished PARS information. See the ABOUT PARS page for PARS contact information.